Meeting MindsTherapy Services

Welcome to Meeting Minds Therapy, a well-established and successful service where we believe everyone deserves access to good quality mental health care. Meeting Minds provides a supportive and inclusive environment for clients with a professional and friendly service. It is dedicated to helping you achieve your goals and improve your overall well-being. We also cater for trainee and experienced therapists who are supervised by Lyn, a fully qualified and experienced clinical supervisor.
Sessions are available online, face-to-face or by phone.
For an initial chat text Lyn on 07854842927 or email Lyn on

Hello, my name is Lyn. Therapist, supervisor, mentor, writer
​Well done! You've made it to Meeting Minds Therapy, where we do things differently. I'm a keep-it-real kind of therapist who thinks outside the box and avoids using jargon. Whilst not dismissing the importance of qualifications (I am fully qualified by the way) life experience is key. In my practice, real-life stories are shared, revisited, and reframed. I believe we all have the resources to live a better life. I do not mislead my clients. I'll do my very best, and if I can't help, then we can explore other options together. My service is affordable, however, I never compromise on quality, and I believe no problem is completely unsolvable.
My Story
In common with my clientele, I find life a continual story of making sense of things. We each have a story to tell and our own journey to make. And it can be a lonely one. The good news is that keep-it-real therapy can help to ease the uncomfortable emotions we may feel as we follow our new path.
​​​​The therapeutic encounter helps us accept who we are and be compassionate towards ourselves.
I regard myself as a different kind of therapist. The key to good therapy is connection. It's not complicated. We all need some form of social engagement to keep us healthy and therapy is a safe place to start. My work gives me a sense of purpose and well-being. It also allows me to show that therapy can be exciting, interactive and fun. Yes, that's right. FUN. Too many people in the world of therapy take themselves way too seriously.
The client is the focus of the therapeutic encounter and usually accesses therapy because something has happened. They are looking for change. A good therapist walks alongside the client until the client feels able to find their own way.
The work is the thing. As therapists, we need to get over ourselves.
Like many others who have reached a certain stage and age in life, I've had my share of setbacks, disappointments and losses. However, I do feel life is more stressful today, Many people are under a lot of pressure and - young people in particular - struggle to get where they want to go due to all kinds of barriers outside their control. This, in turn, can place pressure on relationships, finances, as well as physical and mental health. Many of us go into 'chronic survival mode' which is not good for us. On top of this, the 24/7 culture we inhabit offers little time for reflection or self-awareness. It follows that we have little capacity to change simply because we feel overwhelmed, powerless and out of control. ​​​ Or just too busy.
This is what can happen when we are not paying attention to our inner selves, We push ourselves on until we struggle to cope with the simplest of things. Things pile up until, like a deck of cards, it all comes tumbling down. We usually don't see it coming as we lose perspective. We tell ourselves we are coping but in reality, we are in a downward spiral. It can take a long time before we can come up for air and breathe again. Many people eventually recognise, through therapy, that we need to make ourselves vulnerable before change can happen. The hardest part. Once we do this, we start to heal having unpeeled the emotional layers which have built up over the years. We often find ourselves going back and forth mentally before we eventually find our path and inner freedom.
The road out of trauma, depression and anxiety is hard and challenging and often leaves its mark. We can access support through family, friends or a therapist but ultimately we have to do the work ourselves. I hear a lot about 'magical' recovery but for me, there is nothing magical about addressing what is bugging us. The battle for that road ahead is often hard-won, so we need to be realistic and accept there is no magic wand. The work is the thing.
What we can do is find a safe space, give ourselves time to work on our inner self, check out of the daily grind for a while and spend quality time reflecting. By doing so we can find a place of belonging, recognise our strengths and acknowledge our weaknesses with compassion. To my mind, this isn't magical: but it does require being vulnerable. We can take a good look at the habits which have allowed our layers to develop and ask: are they helping or getting in the way? Habits which are no longer serving us well need to be explored.
I believe we are unable to move forward without being vulnerable. When we do so safely, we can find ourselves connected to the rest of the world. This is the connection we need to thrive. 'True confidence comes with living with uncertainty' someone once said. If we focus too much on our thoughts, from a neuroscience perspective this allows our neural pathways to experience symptoms of discomfort. So we need to find a way to break the cycle and focus on the now. That is what needs our attention.
All of what I've written here is relevant across the lifespan. We all have something to learn from each other no matter how long we've been on this planet. ​​Stories give meaning to our lives and we each have a unique story to tell. I am looking forward to listening to yours and actively engaging with you. As a professional therapist, I am fully qualified and experienced in helping you navigate through life's challenges. Let's work together to uncover your inner strength and find a way forward.
Press the button below and learn more about how Meeting Minds Therapy Services can help you.


Get help with
work-related stress
Clinical Supervision
Personal therapy and regular supervision for both trainee and experienced therapists
face to face
supporting your learning and experimentation
helping you develop your potential
your success is based on confidentiality and trust
starting with the now
looking to the future
and moving to action
'As a therapist you have a gift and very few people have it' - former client, S.M. author and professor
'You help so many people and make such a difference.....I feel blessed to have met you and been able to share your gift with friends and family' former client, Clare
'Lyn is a dedicated professional who is considered a heavyweight accredited therapist by many in the healthcare sector' -E Van Rein, psychotherapist